Escribe las siguientes frases en español

      1. Could you open the window?

      2. Would you and your family move to Spain?

      3. Would she buy a house?

      4. Where would me and my boyfriend live?

      5. How much would it be?

      6. How many children would you like to have?

      7. I wouldn’t like to have any children.

      8. Where would your sister like to get married?

      9. I think she would like to get married in Italy.

      10. I thought she would prefer France.

      • 1. Could you open the window? // Podrías arribar la ventana?
        2. Would you and your family move to Spain? // Tú y tú familia se mudarían a España?
        3. Would she buy a house? // Compraría una casa?
        4. Where would me and my boyfriend live? // Dónde viviríamos mi novio y yo?
        5. How much would it be? // Cuantos costaría?
        6. How many children would you like to have? // Cuantos hijos te gustarían tener?
        7. I wouldn’t like to have any children. // No me gustarían tener nunca hijos.
        8. Where would your sister like to get married? // Dónde se gustaría casarse tú hermana?
        9. I think she would like to get married in Italy. // Pienso que se casaría en Italia.
        10. I thought she would prefer France. // Pensé que preferiría France.

        • 1. Could you open the window? // ¿Podrías abrir la ventana?
          2. Would you and your family move to Spain? // ¿Tú y tú familia se mudarían a España?
          3. Would she buy a house? // ¿Compraría una casa?
          4. Where would me and my boyfriend live? // ¿Dónde viviríamos mi novio y yo?
          5. How much would it be? // ¿Cuánto costaría?
          6. How many children would you like to have? // ¿Cuantos hijos te gustaría tener?
          7. I wouldn’t like to have any children. // No me gustaría tener hijos.
          8. Where would your sister like to get married? // Dónde le gustaría casarse a tú hermana?
          9. I think she would like to get married in Italy. // Pienso que le gustaría casarse en Italia.
          10. I thought she would prefer France. // Pensé que preferiría Francia.

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